Our team! Everybody are in different places now... И хотя его портфолио было опубликовано на нашем старом сайте аж 6 лет назад, все равно есть на что посмотреть, есть чему поучиться...
1. Self-portrait
2.Small city car interior. The tank is a symbol of "Russian power" (nobody should forget about) The marihuana, probably, is the tendency of our times (?)
3.The ROLEX counter - Quality!!! The motorbike's lamp is the influence too...
4.Complete interior view. The tractor shows essentiality of the product, but then again, may be not?
5.Parisian girl with Parisian dog, both are from posh 16th district of Paris (potential client)
6.My ex- boss - Bob Mattews in action... Great man!
7.Girls (especially naked) always give a fresh touch to anything...
8.The average hamburger contains a few elements , just like a dashboard in the car. "Russian power" as a fighter pilot...
8.One of the most boring drawings, but necessary to do.
9.Interior of the car is a complicated object. Too many of different parts to design. Why not enjoying while doing it? People will enjoy too...
10.The Second World War aeroplanes are influencing quite a lot of designers worldwide. Why? Simple and effective! That's what everybody looking for our days. Isn't it?
11.Small modular car for essential use. Replacement for Citroen " Mehari". Actual name Citroen "Pluriel".
12.Beach version. Guess who is a driver this time? YES, you are right!...
13.ARMY. We all know what is it: Simplicity, efficiency, reliability.
14.Service car version.
15.The beer is the most popular European drink! Its delivery is an everyday duty. Try not to be on time...
16.Oysters are always French speciality!
17.Our team! Everybody are in different places now...
18."The hot car" interior.
19.Big luxury car interior. One of many,many versions...
20."Citroen C6 Ligniage" Concept car interior.
21.Another version...
22.The final product: "CITROEN C3 Lumiere" Honestly, could be better, but not everything is possible yet in the modern technology, unfortunately. By the way, this project have got a second place for interior design after "Pininfarina Metrocubo" in International Concept Car 2000 Competition out of 57 candidates...
23."Citroen C3 Pluriel" Concept car. First version.
24."Citroen C3 Pluriel" Concept car. Second version.
25. Illustration for 50th anniversary of "Citroen 2CV". This car was a legend in Europe for good 30 years!
26.The final "buy-buy" drawing-present for retirement of our ex-design-director Arthur Blakeslee. His first project - the TANK Crysler M - 60, and his last - Citroen C3 Lumiere. After, all designers stuff signed around it with the best wishes!
27.The official 1999 Happy New Year greetings card of PSA (Peugeot, Citroen)
28.The Santa Claus sledge design. 1999 International Competition by British newspaper " Daily Mail"
The first prize - FORD designers; Second - our, CITROEN proposition; Third - Cris Bangle, design director, BMW.
29.Something to keep an imagination in shape...
30.Something from the space... Always drawing cars is an extremely boring task!
31.Just a sketch.
32. I like this car very much! That's a real BOYS stuff!

33.This is a special part! Without that nothing is moving in our world!... Isn't it?

34.A little present for my 10 years old friend. He helped me a lot with a computer once...
General recommendations about portfolio layout:
Optimal size A4 ( A3 maximum)
All in colour copies (originals are not necessary)
High quality cower! (shows your self- respect)
Could be done on CD... (if you know how to do it)
(!) The best way to show it is to show it yourself!!!
Vladimir Pirojkov